Discover what God says about guilt and learn practical steps for overcoming it. Find hope, healing, and grace in your journey towards forgiveness. How often do you find yourself speaking the following phrases to yourself: “I should have… I shouldn’t have… I should know better… I did it again… I’m so bad!” That is guilt …
Overcoming People Pleasing
Break free from people-pleasing and find lasting freedom! Explore practical tools, expert advice, and biblical guidance to set healthy boundaries.
Explore examples of boundaries in the Bible and the life lessons they offer for relationships, morality, and spiritual growth in today’s world. If you are like me, you probably feel that it is an important Christian virtue to be present and available for people who need you and to serve others selflessly as much as …
I know how frustrating it is when someone sabotages your progress – learn how to stop someone from sabotaging you and reclaim control with these helpful tips. Sabotage can be such a difficult thing to discern. I have two personal stories to share to help you untangle the tricky nature of sabotage. First, I was …
Struggling to say no? This advice to people-pleasers helps you overcome approval-seeking and serve God joyfully by aligning with His will. Is it hard for you to say No, even when you really want to? Do you put what other people want and need ahead of your own desires and even your own well-being? Maybe …
Learn biblical strategies on how to stop feeling responsible for others, break free from this burden, and find peace. As women, we often find ourselves feeling responsible for the people in our lives. It’s part of the nurturing aspect of womanhood and the way God designed us. But can we take these feelings of responsibility …
Do you think you might be a people-pleaser? Look over these 15 people-pleasing symptoms to see if they might fit your experience and how to overcome them. Being nice to people and making others happy is a good thing to do, right? But do you ever wonder if you are taking it too far? God’s …
Use these Bible verses for feeling worthless, to be encouraged and lifted up by what God’s Word says about your worth, value, and identity in Him. Worthless. This is a common feeling. I have often looked at my appearance, my weight, my social status, my finances, and other external factors to determine my worth. “I …
If you struggle with comparison, you’re not alone. What does the Bible say about comparing yourself to others? Look at these Scriptures for guidance. What does the Bible say about comparing yourself to others? “I am not as well dressed as her.” “I am not as well educated as her.” “I am not as thin …
Use these Bible verses on being yourself to see what God’s Word says about your uniqueness, worth, identity, confidence, and purpose in Christ. We live in a world that tells us who we are expected to be. From T.V. commercials, the magazines in the checkout line at the store, our social media feeds, and more, …
What Does the Bible Say About People Pleasing? Look over this list of Scriptures about people-pleasers and how you can honor God and others. Have you ever found yourself saying something to someone because you wanted to be nice and make them happy, but it was not really what you were actually thinking or feeling? …