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FFL Summer Weight Loss Challenge 2016

This is a resource page only for members of the FFL Summer Weight Loss Challenge 2016.

FFL Summer Weight Loss Challenge


Facebook Group

Click here to go to the private Facebook Group:


Important Dates and Topics

  1. June 27-July 3 Fill Up on Fiber
  2. July 4-July 10 Portions with Your Palm
  3. July 11-July 17 Snack on Whole Foods
  4. July 18-July 24 Add Veggies to Every Meal
  5. July 25-July 31 Add More Activity to Each Day


Weekly Printables and Helpful Info

Week 1
FFL Week 1 Image


FFL/RBTB week one: fiber goal instructions

FFL/RBTB week one: fiber goal sheet

Week 2

FFL Week 2 Image


FFL/RBTB week 2: portion instruction sheet

FFL/RBTB week 2: portion goal sheet

Week 3

FFL/RBTB week 3: whole food snacks instruction sheet

FFL/RBTB week 3: whole food snacks goal sheet

Week 4

FFL Summer Weight Loss Week 4|Faithful Finish Lines

FFL/RBTB week 4: veggies instruction sheet

FFL/RBTB week 4: Veggies goal sheet

Week 5FFL Summer Weight Loss|Faithful Finish Lines


FFL/RBTB week 5: non-exercise instruction sheet

FFL/RBTB week 5: non-exercise activity goal sheet


Grand Prize: $50 in FREE HEALTHY GROCERIES! 1 Whole Foods, Door to Door Organics, or Amazon Gift Card, your choice!!!!

First Place: 1 Running by the Book Prize Pack: Running by the Book tech Shirt, Running by the Book signed book, and a few surprise running goodies

Second Place: Running by the Book signed book

Winning prizes is NOT based on how much weight you lose. Your chances for the prize are based on participation.

EVERY week you can earn tickets for the following activities:

  • Report your weight loss or gain to the group on Monday.
  • Post a photo pertaining to the weekly topic on your personal Facebook page using the FFL hashtag (#FFL or #faithfulfinishlines
  • Post a photo pertaining to the weekly topic on your personal Instagram page using the FFL hashtag
  • Participate in the discussion in the Facebook FFL weight loss group or general group (1 ticket per week)
  • Other ways to earn tickets will be announced as we go!
  • Report your tickets to Corinne each Sunday night — in the private Facebook group we will create a thread specifically for this! — and she will keep track. You must report for that week by that Sunday night. (You cannot report at the end all at once.) Prizes will be drawn at the end of the challenge.