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What is Faithful Finish Lines?

  • Faithful Finish Lines is your online faith and fitness community. Meet other women just like you, who are growing in faith as they reach toward wellness in a realistic way. Here you will find community groups, live chats, and helpful, practical information from people who have walked the walk, information from experts, and more! Join with our initial 7-week program. It comes with free membership for life! Ready to get started? Click here for membership and program information.
Graffiti Run
Real fitness.
  • Faithful Finish Lines is a grace-filled place. We aren’t about strict diets, lists of rules, or guilt. We promote do-able, realistic programs that fit in our busy lives. You choose goals that work and yes, are even fun! The leaders here aren’t afraid to be honest and shoot information to you straight, but all is done with compassion and plenty of humor, too. Fumbles are understood as part of the process.

  • Faithful Finish Lines is your go-to location for step by step guidance to meet your health and fitness goals. Wherever you are, Faithful Finish Lines is ready to meet you there. If you are running marathons or struggling to walk across the living room, this program will work for you. You choose your own fitness and weight loss goals within the program.

Who is leading us through Faithful Finish Lines?

Sara Borgstede, our leader and mentor, lives in Denver, CO and has lost over 100 lbs and maintained that loss for 9 years. She has completed 50+ races including triathlons, 5ks, ½ marathons, and one 70.3 Ironman.

Sara Borgstede photo
Sara Borgstede

She juggles being a pastor’s wife and mom of 5 kiddos. She is here to say it can be done! Sara is available on our community message board and via email, and provides continual motivation and support to our community.

Contact me anytime: [email protected].



Corinne Baur, Physical Activity Coach

Corinne Baur|Faithful Finish Lines
Corinne Baur, Personal Trainer
Corinne Baur lives in Broomfield, CO. She is the author of Running by THE BOOK, a twelve week half marathon training program and Bible study. 
A Road Runner’s Club of America certified long distance running coach, Ace certified Health Coach, National Academy of Sports Medicine certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Corinne has the expertise to help you reach your fitness and health goals safely and successfully. 
With four kids ranging in ages from 8 to 20, Corinne knows what it is like to try to balance family life, a career, exercise and healthful eating. 
Although she has run over 50 races, including a 50 mile ultra race, one of her proudest running moments was the first time she ran a mile after recovering from brain aneurysm surgery.

Sara & Corinne — our leaders are here for YOU. They are real women who are in the trenches with you facing the battles of former food addictions, fitting exercise into schedules, busy lives, owning up to body image issues…they get you. They are here to provide a community of support, encouragement and grace, along with a good kick in the butt when needed! God has blessed them with stories of recovery and victory, and they are ready to share all they have learned.

Ready to Get Started?

Come to our Online Programs page to find out about the membership programs and the benefits we have to offer!

Bloggers, check out this page with special information just for you.

More Questions?

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Page. Feel free to send us an email or comment with additional questions or thoughts ([email protected]). We are here to help!

Smoothie|Faithful Finish Lines